Thursday, October 14, 2021

GNKG Hiatus

I hope everyone is doing well, as I'm sure you have noticed there has been some time in between my posts as of late. I do apologize for that as I know I do have a few that visit this blog on occasion.

As of late due to a combination of issues, lack of interest in this blog and lack of active traffic to the blog, I have found it hard to keep actively keep posting. A lot of the issue falls with me and my lack of advertising and lack of videos and or audio. Some is lack of timing due to work and life taking a priority, and some is trying to expand to more than just Visual Novels. 

I am currently debating on the next step, to simply reorganize and redo this after a short hiatus or to shutter it completely. I enjoy doing these articles and posts but it can be a bit depressing. I will be debating these questions over the week and will relay my decision at a later time. To that end I ask everyone to be patient and thanks for the support.

Kage Senpai
The Man of Culture