Friday, November 6, 2020

HelloGoodBye: Natsume the Commonwealth Soldier

HelloGoodBye: Natsume the Commonwealth Soldier


If you have been keeping up with my previous two blogs, we went over May and Suguri in those. In this blog, we will be discussing Natsume. I'd like to take a moment to say if you haven't read up on the blogs for May and Suguri you may want to do that now as in May's it really does cover a lot of the basic understanding of what is going on and when things start to change.

Natsume is a new student at the high school that our protag Kaito goes to. She transfers in a week or so after Kaito and from what is said she's a transfer from the Commonwealth. Kaito's cover story also has him coming over from the Commonwealth so this addition of a new student could make or break him as far as operations go.

The first day that Kaito meets her and introduces himself she seems slightly taken aback but then appears to just go on with it. It isn't until later you realize that since you introduced yourself to her that you realize that she's following you. She also has a tendency to stare and watch you. This continues on for a bit and May and Suguri take notice of this and they try to find out what is going on with her.

Later, Kaito gets a letter in his shoe locker asking him to meet someone on the roof, he has a good idea who it is and he heads to the terrace to meet this person. As he thought it was Natsume and she stares him down and attempts to get him to confess he's an agent. However, in doing this she ultimately outs herself to an extent and is taken aback by her lack of commonsense.

Natsume you find out is a shy girl, she's not too bright when it comes to commonsense or how things work out in the Civilian life. She can be a bit of an airhead and at times she is a complete girl.

Soon after these events, he has decided to keep her identity a secret from the others in an attempt to help her assimilate into school life. He keeps her interested in the different things about the school, their visits to the local cake shop and later the school festival.

It is during these events that the pair at some level have fallen for one another and through the course of their daily lives dealing with May and Suguri as well as other members of the class they get closer and closer all the while keeping each other's missions a secret from one another. However, this peace is eventually disturbed by an encoded message sent to Natsume. The message instructs her to contact HQ, which upon doing so they give her a new mission, the mission is to eliminate Kaito to ensure he doesn't interfere with their mission. This forces Natsume into silence from the rest of the group, it is at this point as well that she realizes just how much he means to her, and how much she means to him.

The story takes a unique turn after they get together and realize that something isn't right about the whole thing. Eventually, Natsume using her special codes and Kaito using his communications device to intercept communications they are able to piece together a wider picture of events including the coming assassination attempt on the newly elected President of the UPJ.

Kaito is contacted by his "father" who tells him that it's up to him how to proceed from here but to remain careful and vigilant. With this in mind, Kaito and Natsume set out to deal with those seeking to kill the President.

Kaito takes on the CQC (Close Quarter Combat) approach while Natsume assists him by acting as his Sniper. The pair quickly makes quick work of the enemy forces taking care not to kill any of them but to immobilize them. This will lead them to encounter the leader of the group which they find out is a high-ranking member of the UPJ Military Intelligence Division.

The reason for this was simple, the President was going to propose a unification effort to reunify Japan into one powerful nation, and the radicals in both the Commonwealth and the United Provinces of Japan didn't want this to happen. So they were set on stopping it.

After a fight Kaito was able to kill his opponent, then the UPJ Special Security Unit finds them and takes both Kaito and Natsume into custody. It takes a while but eventually Kaito is brought before a military court to face charges for killing a member of the UPJ Officials. However the military court found that he was protecting himself, another person, and in the end, was justified. He was placed back on active status. During his time he worried about how Natsume being an agent from the Commonwealth would be treated, but after being taken to a special area they are reunited where he finds out that his father has made her a fellow member of the Special Security Unit. 

There are several H-scenes that play out prior to and after these events and in the end, they remain together, and besides working for the President as his daughter's personal security team they also attend the school with everyone. This story adds a lot more details to what is happening within the demilitarized zone as well as progresses more as to what Kaito's story is. It is also during these events you begin to realize that Kaito has a unique and special ability and that ability will come into play in the next blog that discusses the final girl of HelloGoodBye.

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