Monday, March 8, 2021

Quick Update of Things to Come

 So as many of you all have noticed I have been taking some time off from doing reviews. There is a couple of reasons for that and I'd like to take a moment to put the record straight. For the most part as you can imagine, I have a backlog of games and anime that are in need of watching, playing and reviewing. Due to increased hours at my job (you know the day job that brings in the money) I am not able to dedicate the time that had been. I have also been attempting to work on my marriage by putting more time into spending with family, this means less time doing reviews. I have been asked to participate in a new project as well that will take some of my time but I have done made it clear that GNKG is my primary concern. 

I will also be undergoing some changes, I have some new equipment that has been ordered and should be delivered soon which will make me able to do more in the way of streaming. I am also currently looking for some new software as the one I bought a few months ago is out of date and to get the upgrade they are expecting me to pay even more than I already did for the software to begin with, which is freaking nuts in my opinion.

I will be updating all my current artwork, blog, and Patreon to reflect new changes. I will also be looking for someone to start working on doing some better artwork and or 3D images with Mira (the GNKG spokes girl) who will also be going through some changes.

All of this will take some time so I hope you will bare with me as these changes that are needed take place. I will be working on also finishing up some posts and starting to do the blog again real soon. I apologize for the delay and hope to start adding more content very soon.


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