Berserk of Gluttony is a Light Novel turned Manga that is currently in production. The Manga has 2 volumes out with a 3rd volume due to being out this month. The Light Novel has from what I have seen around 4 to 5 volumes out at this time with more on the way.
Now, this is the first Manga that I have really decided to make a post about and that is because up until recently I really haven't been a huge fan of Manga. But lately, I have decided that Manga's may be the way to go for certain series because many good series are only getting one maybe two seasons in Anime, and then they are being cut for no real good reason. There are many examples of this sadly.
I will not say that I expect or would like to see this become an anime at this time, but that is only because I haven't gotten that far into it obviously. I did order the second Manga and pre-order the third Manga today so when they come in I will have a better thought on if this is something I think would make a good anime or not.
Berserk of Gluttony is a mixture of 'gaming tropes' in a dark fantasy setting. The premise is that society is broken into two different tiers, some are born with special talents called 'skills'. If those skills are good they are elevated to a more noble-like class and are part of the 'Holy Knights'. If you are born with no skill or a skill that isn't seen as good, then you are pushed into the poor class and forced to pretty much work for the nobles doing whatever they ask of you, or to do other jobs.
Enter Fate (the main character of this story) a young man who is employed by a noble house of Holy Knights that treats him poorly and pays him barely enough to live on. He is normally seen acting as a Gate Guard on their behalf.
Fate has a skill called, "Gluttony" and it is seen as a 'sin' skill and so he was told he could not be elevated or become a Holy Knight. He doesn't fully understand this power he has either, but he knows just like it says no matter how much he eats, he is never full, but he barely eats anyway due to low wages.
Through an incident in which he kills a thief that broke into the castle, he realizes that his gluttony skill increases his base stats after the kill.
Later he obtains a sword that has its own soul that calls itself the 'Sword of Greed' and as it is a 'sin' skilled-based sword they can communicate to one another. The sword begins to explain his skill to him, its perks...and its setbacks.
Now I won't spoil the Manga, but the first volume ends with you starting to fully understand that the skill 'Gluttony' is a double-edged sword that can cause more harm than good, but it also has its advantages well.
I will do more reviews on the others when they come in. Also if there are any new Manga's out there that you might want to read yourself let me know I will start collecting Manga's
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