Saturday, December 5, 2020

Sable's Grimoire A Dragons Treasure

 Sable's Grimoire: A Dragons Treasure

Sable's Grimoire A Dragons Treasure is a continuation of the story of the protag Sable based on the idea that you chose Drakan as the protags love interest. As stated before too, she is also best girl per the developer's concepts. And I actually have no problem with her being best girl, I think this choice is pretty valid. Though I could even see Leshia and Rei also being best girl if he wanted to go that route instead. 

This story also focuses heavily on the development of their relationship as well as a hidden story that develops between Sable and Drakans mother. Drakan's Mother visiting Sable throughout the school year leads to him getting a 'gift' from her in the form of a necklace. Upon putting the necklace on it attaches to him via small spines that insert themselves into his skin. This leads to some unique things happening to Sable.

First, his eyes change from their natural green to dragon red. His hunger then increases greatly to an almost staggering amount for a human but not uncommon for a dragon. He then gets increased senses from sight to smell and hearing. The increased senses overload his abilities as a human and Drakan is able to help him through being with him and helping him to learn how to control these increased senses. 

At the end of the semester, they go on break, and to Sable's surprise, he's been asked and decided to go ahead and go with Drakan to go to her mother's cave to spend the week with the dragons. They leave the school and start the long journey to the cave however only a day into the journey strange things happen. Sable starts to get tired more easily, when he falls asleep he's taken to a 'Void' where he holds a conversation with someone or something that has no form. At first, it's a one-sided conversation but as time progresses the unknown person or thing starts to obtain its own identity and holds a more meaningful conversation with Sable. 

Halfway through this DLC, you will be introduced to the unknown person who later Sable will give the name 'Fafnir' to. This particular person was created in the void by the magic item that Sable was given by Drakan's mother. Through the combination of the blood of Drakan's mother and Sable's own blood and magic, Fafnir was born within Sable. As Fafnir learns about Sable, Drakan, and 'her' mother she begins to understand that Sable was being used as a lab rat for an experiment to an extent that none of them really know. 

Fafnir makes the choice that if it comes to taking over Sable's body effectively killing Sable or to sacrifice herself to save him she makes the choice to kill herself. However, this would require Sable to have Drakan either remove the necklace that has bore itself into his body and possibly kill him or to have the Bonding Ritual between Drakan and Sable. The Bonding Ritual is more than just an experience like marriage however, it joins the life forces, magic, physical, and mental essence of the two people involved in a way that goes beyond marriage to a human.

Of course one of the choices you can make here is to help keep Fafnir alive by turning her into your familiar and in doing so you can seal her into the necklace until you can find a way to extract her from it. If you choose this then you get what is referred to as the 'True Ending'. 

During this process, you learn more about Drakan's character and the fact that despite her appearance she's still extremely young for a dragon, and this breeds a sense of insecurity and lack of knowledge which makes her very inept at making decisions on her own. She relies heavily on others to make these choices for her and views people like Sable and her mother as those with greater knowledge and understanding to be above her when it comes to making choices that affect her or those around her. 

Because of her inactions and reliance on others, her half-dragon and half-human halves constantly battle one another, the dragon half wants to control everything while the human half wants to cooperate with others. When the time came and Fafnir demanded she make the choice to help Sable by performing the Bonding Ritual even if it might shorten her own life she was unable to make that choice. Eventually Sable was able to return to his body and instruct Drakan to remove the necklace and to help keep him alive until the dragon's blood was bleed from him. 

Eventually, Sable is saved and the dragon blood is mostly removed from his body, he and Drakan return to the school and he keeps the necklace which he sealed Fafnir into. Once they return you learn a bit more as to what Nidhogg was doing with Sable and the necklace. 

Upon coming back to the school Sable and Drakan have some intimate moments (including an H-scene if you have the 18+ DLC) and a visit from Nidhogg Sable is given some insight into a bit more of what Nidhogg has been attempting to accomplish, though he doesn't fully understand the scope of what it is she's doing he understands the key idea and concept. Through this, he is able to come up with his own project that he wants to start to bring Fafnir from the void to the real world and so he begins project Homunculus. 

Now this game isn't as long as the original game, just the 'true ending' took around 11 hours of gameplay to get. At the end of the game, it also hints at a new Sable's Grimoire game called simply Sable's Grimoire: Project Homunculus, which is a continuation of this DLC.  

In some ways, I actually found this game a bit better than the base game. While it focuses only on the two characters of Sable and Drakan, I find the addition of Fafnir to be interesting and a unique turn of events. I am actually hoping to see the third installment of this path come out sooner rather than later.

If you have or have played Sable's Grimoire, I highly recommend this DLC. I also recommend the 18+ Patch as well. 

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