Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sable's Grimoire Update


Zetsubou the creator and producer for the series 'Sables Grimoire' just released a big update for the base game since its primary release on May 18, 2018. The game's popularity continues to grow as it has been ported over to multiple systems including Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. While the Steam version is the one that has obtained the update at the moment I'm posting this Zetsubou has done announced that he is also working with others to have the update ported over to the other systems as well.

If this is your first time hearing of Sable's Grimoire, the story follows a young human male by the name of Sable as he attends a school primarily seen as a place for demi-humans to learn about magic and life outside their normal communities and environment. Humans are allowed to attend as well as there are those that attend due to them being 'mages' which Sable is. While mages are still human most humanity views the use of magic even by their own kind to be scary and tend to view mages with contempt. 

During his time at the academy, he meets a variety of demi-humans and in turn has to navigate his way through the trials and tribulations that come with being a human among demi-humans. Whether it is his roommate Tix the Pixi, Jorou the Jorougumo, Eth and Rei the mandragora, and Rokurokubi dynamic duo, Drakan the half-dragon, Lisha the Elf, or a variety of other demi-humans, Sable is stuck between getting involved in their lives and antics or continue to work on his own studies.

Sable is dedicated to the pursuit of his own interests, for better or for worse. He is a fanatic of demi-humans and is fascinated in learning all he can about the types of demi-humans there are and about their cultures. He is also a fanatic of magic both in learning about spells and creating his own. It is because of this he has gained the attention of a lot of different students and facility members.

In the latest update, a new story plotline has been added that has Sable helping an additional 'interest' that being of his former teacher Eris the Succubus. Sable after defending Eris from losing her job completely at the academy is asked to help her in obtaining information on another facility member in an attempt to end an ongoing feud between them.

Normally I might give a few spoilers here and there or give away the storyline to a point but as this is a new plot and update that just came out, I will let you find out for yourself what it involves. Just know that unlike a couple of the other endings there is content that I have come across yet for these new endings. While slightly disappointed in that I can understand that with the way things are now on Steam sometimes it's hard to get content like that up now. 

With Eris's story comes 3 new endings, a Good, Neutral, and Bad ending (which I haven't gotten yet but figure that means you die). Along with this update comes with an additional ending called, 'Rei's and Eth's True ending'.  This ending has Sable taking a different route in the story arch of Rei and Eth in which the two demi-human girls are able to stay together, stay at the academy, and in the end stay with Sable. 

The update also fixed some bugs and issues that had been found through the game as most updates do. 

The new Eris route and Rei and Eth route are both very well crafted and done. The Eris route is long which adds more thrill to the story of Sable. While Eris is a secondary character at first I do think this puts her in more of an 'intimate' possible role. Not to spoil it but I think an ending or after story in which we see Eris and Sable getting together after a time period...which is laid out in Succubus culture...would be an interesting idea.

Overall I greatly enjoyed the addition, though not as 'racy' as I had hoped due to the nature of my blogs and such I still found this to be a great addition. If you haven't read my previous blog on Sable's Grimoire I will post a link for it as well as the link to the Steam Game version of Sable's Grimoire. 

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