Tales of Wedding Rings is a Manga written and illustrated by 'Maybe' and published by YEN PRESS. The story centers around Satou, a high school student, and his sudden entry into a new world thanks to his long-time childhood friend and 'love interest' Hime. As children while Satou was out late one day he met Hime and her grandfather after an unexplainable light came forth. Being a child Satou never really spoke about what he saw and never gave it much thought.
However, one day out of the blue Hime tells Satou that she is leaving and that he will never see her again. When he inquires about that he's taken aback to find out that she is leaving to get married. At first, he can't fully understand what is going on but after a portal opens up and she leaves he is left standing there thinking about what it is that he wants, as well as the fact that as she's leaving he can tell that she's hurt that she's leaving him behind.
He makes the choice to go through the portal after her and what awaits him is a new life of adventure and the eventual creation of a harm...as he is the new Ring King, and as such it's his quest to marry the 5 princess's and acquire their rings of power.
The first few volumes cover the travels of Satou and his first wife, Hime a Human Princess. Later he takes Nephrites the Elven Princess, Granart the Beast Princess, Saphire a Water Dragonkin, and finally Amber the Princess of the fallen kingdom of the Dwarfs.
It is his quest to get these rings of power and learn to use them by also getting closer to his wives to eventually defeat the Abyss King and his minions. Of course, there is the fact that he has to conveniences all these women to marry him, to give him their rings, and to keep them all happy so they are willing to help him in his quest. What could go wrong?
At the time of this post, I have read through 8 of the 9 current volumes and I am thinking there will be a Volume 10 but I am not sure about that just yet. I will keep tabs on this and see what will happen next. With what I have read at this time I highly recommend it to those that enjoy a good Isekai Harem story...not that there aren't already a few of them out there.
But I think it is a nice change of pace as the main character isn't OP like most Isekai's like to make the main character so that is refreshing, he's also dealing with the idea that his heart belongs to Hime only and he's got to learn to love all 5 of his wives equally.
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