Amatarasu Riddle Start is a unique twist on the concept of Alice in Wonderland of sorts. The story rotates heavily on the concept of dreams and imagination empowering multiple worlds and in some instances these worlds overlap and the result is either they will remain in equal space or they will eventually collapse destroying both worlds.
I can explain that concept further but as for this post, it is about one of the girls (love interests) you can get with and follow down her path. Yua is in essence is what I have dubbed 'The Dreamer' and the world that was created is based off mostly her own dreams and desires and imagination.
Yua is the childhood friend of the protag Takaya and has been with him since he moved into the town. Takaya as a small child was extremely weak and frail and because of his health he wasn't able to be active like most children. Because of this he dived heavily into books and mostly in that of fairy tails.
Yua was heavily influenced by Takaya and his imagination as well as his obsession with the stars. Because of this Yua also began to believe a great deal of the belief's and ideas that Takaya told her. Eventually however, an event shattered Takaya's mental scape and left him feeling betrayed by both his dreams and his idea of the world. Because of that he gave up on creating new stories of his own and eventually shut himself off from his past self.
Yua, seeing his change soon took up the torch of sorts and would constantly tell him the stories he had told her as a child and her own believes, Takaya had forgotten that it was him that had actually told her these stories but he would later remember. It was on a particular night when the 'Starfall' happened and the world that Yua had created converged and became connected to the real world.
While the beginning and middle parts of the story of this game are pretty much the same there are a few decisions you have to make that will lead to the different routes for each girl you can end up with. It is at the Festival that your choices will show you which girl you end up with and it is here that your relationship will start to change. If you play your hands right you will end up heading down Yua's route.
As Yua and Takaya grow closer and their relationship grows you begin to find out more and more about the connection of the two worlds, though there isn't much information really. Of all the stories this one is the more tamed of the stories. Takaya and Yua become intimate and eventually the two begin to question the changes in their world. It isn't until later on when Takaya does an experiment of sorts that he believes that it is Yua that has allowed the two worlds to connect.
Eventually there is a fear that the two worlds will become unstable and Takaya begins to think of ways to make sure that doesn't happen. Later in their story it is reveled to Takaya that it was his own stories and dreams that influenced the world that Yua created and so through his own hand he helped shape and create the world that is now part of their world. To maintain the status quo Takaya had to look pass his own past and the incident that left him defeated and broken.
As Takaya and Yua continue to grow their relationship and Takaya once again believes in his own stories from his past the connection of the worlds solidifies and becomes stable.
Yua's route is pretty laid back and fun to go through and has quiet a bit of comedy between them. I can say its pretty wholesome if you don't think about the H-scenes. Yua's shy nature, caring side, and overall innocents really makes her seem more childish and kid like. Her devotion and love towards Takaya is very strong and she does a good job of dedicating herself to him even though he sometimes takes it for granted. She is a remarkable cook and despite her somewhat air headiness she is pretty smart, at least in school.
Of the 5 main stories hers I think is a nice story to ease yourself into this VN and a good 1st route to go through. It isn't heavy with information or with a lot of emotional rollercoasters and the H-scenes if you have the 18+ DLC content are well done and even have some 2Dlive motion to them which is actually pretty nice. The ending of their story is a bit lacking I feel but it does at the very least wrap up the main plot while leaving their own stories open to interpretation.
Overall, I think you all would enjoy this path and VN. I know I enjoyed it pretty well and the H-Scenes helped improve the experience as well.
Free Money Shot |
Rather interesting take on it.