Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Labyrinth of Grisaia: Michiru's Afterstory

 The Labyrinth of Grisaia: Michiru's Afterstory

The Afterstory of Michiru is similar to Yumiko's as it takes place only in a span of a few days which again isn't exactly something that I found to be very in-depth and didn't answer a bunch of other questions that most people may have about the relationship between Yuuji and Michiru. Considering that it is posed that Michiru is the "best girl" the fact that this story wasn't advanced more actually worries me slightly. 

Beyond my own apprehension at the fact that this Afterstory is really thin, I still like this particular story. It shows a different side of Michiru and even includes the 'other Michiru' as they go out on multiple dates over the course of a few days.

Despite many things, this story was pretty short and focused heavy on the dates between Yuuji and Michiru with little interaction between the other girls, in fact, I can only think of a couple of times that Amane was even in the picture. Makina was stripped down to a couple of appearances. The only ones that showed up quite a bit were Sachi and Yumiko. Though Yumiko was used for a sort of comedic relief to the whole story.

At one point in the beginning Michiru changed her hair color from the normal blonde to a black. Honestly, I think she pulled it off pretty well but that is a controversy all unto its own per the Reddits posted. Despite that though Michiru in all her antics provides her own comedy and the dates are full of her attempting to put her own spin on things while Yuuji just allows her to do it.

On the surface this doesn't seem to be a bad thing but as the other Michiru eventually points out that, both sides are trying too hard to show affection and love towards one another. That the best thing to do is to simply act normal and allow that to be the building block of their relationship. The conversation between the Michiru's takes a more serious tone when it comes to the ideal of life, death, and relationships.

Both agree that the thought of eternal love is a farce created by hopeful people that in the end, everything ends. While the Michiru's do take a more pessimistic look at things they are not hopeless instead they use that as a reason to make things seem so much more meaningful. This leads to the other Michiru agreeing to help Michiru on her date with Yuuji by giving her advice. 

It is at this point you realize just how the other Michiru sees things. When it comes to dates she never allows herself to take over, she usually sleeps or at the very least watches from the darkness and never interferes. Yuuji accepts this and the other Michiru understands his thoughts on this. In a way, it's his way to respect her as if she was to start feeling a sense of being 'alive' again she may become restless that Michiru has things she can't have anymore.

This takes a unique twist when Yuuji and Michiru end up at a hotel. Michiru tells Yuuji that she wants her to sleep with the other Michiru because she knows that she also loves Yuuji just as much as she does. This of course takes the other Michiru by surprise but Yuuji agrees to the request.

In the end, Yuuji calls in a connection of his to help him make a dream a reality for Michiru, this leads to them agreeing that until the day they no longer live they will be with one another and love each other until the end. 

While I feel that this ending was unique and nice, I also feel it is another rush job or at the very least it wasn't planned out as well as Amane or Sachi's was. Without doing Makina's story at this time I can't very well make an evaluation on that one. 

While I don't really agree that Michiru should be 'best girl' I do at the very least enjoy the unique story that is hers. I think that the writers may have done this in order to let one's own imagination run wild with their story. A story of love till the end between Yuuji and the Michiru's is something that has that nice calming effect, at least that is my opinion. 

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